Saturday 9 April 2011

Mini Holiday

Ok, so I'm going away for a tiny bit - just three days, in the UK, some boring music course. I suppose that the good thing is that I won't really have any time to think about food. The downside is that my friends will notice if I don't eat at our designated meal times, but I am a master of pushing my food around the plate and making it look like I've eaten something. I'll see how much I lose over the next few days, although I won't be able to do any exercise.

I'm back for a day, then I'm going to France until Easter Sunday. It will be hot there, but I don't think I can wear a bikini - I have too many insecurities for that. Ohhhhhh my god, it's freaking summer already and I'm still not totally confident in a bikini! I NEED to get my act together. Ok, I'll eat barely anything over this holiday, and gym regularly.

Oooh, I saw an elliptical/cross trainer online for £89.00! Considering most models are well into the thousands, that's amazing! I really really want one for my room (although I have no space, ha), so I'm considering:
a) begging my parents
b) just buying my own - sure, it's my money, but it would so be worth it, right?

Here's a link, it's the one right at the bottom:

It doesn't look extremely heavy or solid though - I don't want it to fall over if I'm too energetic! Ahh, think of the possibilities though, I could:
a) do my homework while working out on it
b) watch tv on it (although I don't have a tv in my room)
c) go on my laptop on it
d) do it when I can't sleep
e) do it first thing in the morning before I even get dressed
f) do it when I'm bored
g) do it at any odd times I want to

THAT'S IT, i neeeeeed one!

Keep going guys, you're all beautiful :)


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